T-rescue GIFT!!! JERSEY Rescue GIFT!!! Rescue T shirt Gift!!! only 1 Euro

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promotion expired
If you still want our shirts, please contact the site www.swimmershop.it

T-shirt for the rescue services.

This is Italian lifeguard T-shirt

SwimmerShop.it have decided to give us rescue T-shirt it cost only 1,oo  Euro.

You will need a modest contribution for Shipping  cost: 19,00 Euro.

The shirts are limited a limited number..

To receive the T-shirt You must send an email to lifeguarditalia@tiscali.it with attached booking form:  http://www.lifeguarditalia.net/Documenti/modulo%20di%20prenotazione.doc

we will send you Promotion Code (valid only once) you can connected to SwimmerShop.it. links:

http://www.swimmershop.it/Canotta-Salvataggio-Life-Guard-Italia_viewprod_1489.html http://www.swimmershop.it/T-shirt-Maglietta-Salvataggio-Life-Guard-Italia_viewprod_1488.html

– You can’t request multiple shipments (Maximum one item).

– To request the shirt you must complete the booking form, sign it and return it at lifeguarditalia@tiscali.it.

– The number of item is limited.

– The “promotional code” is valid only once.

– To complete your order you must be enrolled in SwimmerShop.it

– We do not carry cash on delivery.

–  Cost: 20,00 Euro

summarized and translated from the official page:


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